
An exercise on muscle control and agency

Carima and I tested out the BrainSynth in new ways. Here follow her notes: I focussed on one muscle,  the trapezius, testing its function and capacity for movement. We separated the electrodes on 3 different places on the same muscle, so that I could explore these 3 different parts of the muscle. For me the […]


Testing surface EMG positions

Today tested some potentially interesting locations for surface EMG. For each you’ll find a video below. Note that only the lower MATLAB frequency plot is informative: Flexors of fingers Flexor of thumb Biceps Contractor of forehead (surprise expression) All seemed quite specific to the intended muscle (group). Of great help was this website with suggested […]


EEGsynth & Dance

Today we were able to have a first try using the EEGsynth for dance, with the dancer/choreographer Carima Neusser, resulting in many new ideas and lots of inspiration! Small movements – such as an eyeblink – can be magnified and experienced. An Iphone armband works well for mobility, but it is something to get the […]

Music Science

MIDI control & output working

I recorded a short demonstration of the EEGsynth using real-time recordings of heartbeat (ECG), muscle activity (EMG) and eyeblinks (EOG). Ofcourse the brain is just as possible, but harder to demonstrate on my own. Importantly, we can use any MIDI controller to change parameters in real-time, and use MIDI as a control signal for any […]


Deterritorialisation, Reterritorialisation and the EEGsynth

Deleuze and Guattari use the terms “deterritorialisation” and “reterritorialisation” (we know that the terms are annoying to pronounce) frequently in their book “A Thousand Plateaus.” The two writers use “soft” concepts in the book which allow the ideas to change with time and context. For example, a child might have problems with reading and writing, […]