Art Hardware Learning Music Software

Athens working session – technical proceedings

During our work meeting in Athens, we explored and tested the EEG-synth: EEG recordings controlling analogue synthesizers. What follows is a summary of how we solved the main technical and practical issues we encountered and those that still need to be dealt with. More about the output of the meeting will come in the next […]

Music Science

Basic modules for the synthesizer

In France we tried to reproduce neuronal functions with the synthesiser and listened to the outcome. This was great fun and Stephen is a really talented supervisor. Since my thesis is on hemispheric specialization I choose one theory which tries to explain differences in hemispheric processing by splitting incomming signals into relative frequency bands. I […]

Art Music Science

Awarded Innovativ Kultur grant!

Did we mention already that we have been awarded a grant from Innovativ Kultur?

Music Science

Introducing neuroscientists to modular synths

This week I co-organized a research retreat at a beautiful French chateau, for Christian Kell’s wonderful group (department of neurology of the Frankfurt University hospital). During the Saturday-night workshop I presented our project and explained and demonstrated some principles of sounds synthesis. We then set to work to create synthesizer patches that simulated neuronal mechanisms of cognitive processes. […]

Music Science

The Holmes patch

Last night I talked for hours with my dear friend David Holmes – a true thinker and inventor, expert in music and meditation, and uniquely talented writer (see his wonderful book on the mind, brain and its intimate relationship to sound and light). It was a crash course on harmonics, timbre, resonance, overtones and the […]

Music Science

MIDI piano to MATLAB

Robert has been busy programming the first MATLAB-MIDI interface, in both directions. You can find the code on the Github repository. Here you can see him playing his MIDI piano using the MATLAB GUI that he made. And here the MIDI piano is played, displayed on the MATLAB GUI.


Brain waves at Södra Bar nightclub

On February the 7th, 2015, as the final party following Ouunpo‘s Art-Science festival called The Fugue, Jean-Louis Huhtna performed at the nightclub Södra Bar of Södra Teatern, Stockholm. He started his set by mesmerizing the audience playing sounds created from his brain waves.

Art Music

“What Where” rescored

SP Escola de Teotro, Sao Paulo, Brazil Per Hüttner, Stephen Whitmarsh and Jean-Louis Huhta joined forces with Brazilian actress Teresa de Almeida Prado and Portuguese actor Pedro Penim to revisit at Samuel Beckett’s last play “What Where.” The session took place in Sao Paulo in November 2014 and was divided into two sections. The first was devoted to recording […]