Science Technology

Arduino based CV/Gate controller

The EEG signal processing, classification and the translation into a control signal is done on a computer. This means that the computer needs to be able to send control signals to the synthesizer. There are in general two options for interfacing with a synthesizer: Midi and CV/Gate. Midi is a digital protocol over a serial […]

Art Hardware Learning Music Software

Athens working session – technical proceedings

During our work meeting in Athens, we explored and tested the EEG-synth: EEG recordings controlling analogue synthesizers. What follows is a summary of how we solved the main technical and practical issues we encountered and those that still need to be dealt with. More about the output of the meeting will come in the next […]

Science Technology

OpenBCI working with Raspberry Pi

I compiled the openbci2ft application on the Raspberry Pi without any problem. The openbci2ft application interfaces the OpenBCI board with the FieldTrip buffer, which is a network transparent interface to real-time EEG data and which supports MATLAB, Python, Java and C/C++ interfaces to the data stream. The openbci2ft application is implemented as ANSI-C application, as […]

Science Technology

OpenBCI now supported with FieldTrip and MATLAB

Yesterday my 32-bit OpenBCI board arrived. Today I have been working most of the day to get it to work with FieldTrip, which is my preferred rapid application development and data analysis platform based on MATLAB. OpenBCI comes with some example software. I was able to get the Processing example application up and running in […]

Science Technology

The Nike EEG headband

We are targeting the development at affordable EEG hardware and specifically have the OpenBCI system in mind. A 3D printed headset has been constructed in the OpenBCI project, but that is not (yet) easily available. Hence I am currently exploring some ideas for electrode attachment on my own. Although easy to put on, a hard-plastic headset is not trivial to […]

Hardware Technology

Summary of main hardware components

To record EEG data we will use the OpenBCI project’s 8bit board The OpenBCI board comes with a Bluetooth dongle based on the RFduino. Processing of EEG data will be done using the Raspberry Pi B+ The Raspberry Pi B+ will be connected to an HDMI monitor for the GUI as well a mini MIDI controller (e.g. the Novation […]


Github for sharing code

I registered on GitHub, and created a repository to share our developing code. For now I just tested it by uploading the lastest OpenBCI python code. You can find the repository here.