Art Learning Science Technology

Confinement diary #3

Today I went back to the soldering iron and finished a second Electrosluch. I had bought material for two, just in case I would screw up the first, but surprisingly I didn’t, so instead could try out some small improvements. This time I added an IC socket, so I can try our different opamps in the future, and mounted the inductor coils inside the housing for a more sleek and robust design. It didn’t start so smooth as the first time, as I ended up needing to create a second layer of perfboard to deal with the fact that the inductor coils had too short wires to solder on their belly. Instead I soldered them to the edge of a perfboard. I moved the components around a bit, and was able to squeeze the battery, switch and headphone connector into the opposite side of the housing. All in all, I’m pretty happy with the result. I’m thinking how this could be useful for hands-on EEG workshops by having people listen to electromagnetism created e.g. by lightbulbs, speakers etc. as the sources of the noise we have to deal with when we analyse EEG.

I also played a bit with the harmonics patch I’ve been setting up the last couple of days. Or rather, tried out things I could do with my equipment without touching it, as I still have to made the definite recording. I ended up with some noise, clicks and wobbles, a crispy and cosy sonic fireplace to coddle against with your headphones.

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